How to Obtain Your Tankerman Certification

by | Wednesday, June 11, 2014 |

A tankerman is a mariner credential issued by the Coast Guard to qualified members of the deck department who are trained to assist or supervise the transfer of liquid cargo. Tankerman is an unlicensed national rating that operates under officer supervision.

There is a general process to obtain your tankerman certification with a set of specific requirements that you must meet.

The General Process of Obtaining Your Tankerman Certificate

The U.S. Coast Guard, the overseer of all Merchant Marine Credentials (MMC), will issue a tankerman certification to those who successfully complete the application process.

The general process for applying for a tankerman certification involves four basic steps:

  • Step One – Peruse the National Maritime Center’s (NMC) National Tankerman § Part 13 checklist to ensure you have all the documentation needed and that you fit the requirement for the tankerman endorsement.
  • Step Two – Obtain your TWIC from the Transportation Security Administration.
  • Step Three – Fill out the application form, Application for License as an Officer, Staff Officer, or Operator and for Merchant Mariner's Document (CG-719B), and pay your application fee at
  • Step Four – Submit your application and requested documents to your nearest Regional Exam Centers (REC) via email, mail or in person.

Once approved, the NMC will mail your tankerman certification in the mail.

Meeting the Requirements for Tankerman Certificate

In addition to specific service requirements, to meet the general requirements for a tankerman certification, you must:

  • be 18 years or older;
  • submit a medical certificate;
  • speak English;
  • be compliant with drug testing;
  • pay your mariner’s fees;
  • submit your sea service letters or discharges;
  • have a Firefighting Course Certificate;
  • have an Approved Cargo Course Certificate; and
  • meet the course requirements detailed in 46 CFR §13.121.

Service Requirements for Tankerman Credentials

Every mariner who seeks a certification as a tankerman must meet certain sea service requirements. According to 46 CFR §13.123, 25 percent of the qualifying service must have been within five years prior to applying, which includes two transfers where applicable.

The NMC designates four general types of tankerman endorsements, each with a distinct set of service requirements:

  • Tankerman-PIC – This endorsement requires90 days' service as a deck or engineering officer on one or more TANK SHIPS or self-propelled tank vessel certified to carry DL [dangerous liquids] or LG [liquefied gases] as appropriate; or 90 days rating or cadet service on deck or engine department on TANK SHIP or self-propelled tank vessel certified to carry DL or LG as appropriate,” or a combination of those services.
  • Tankerman-PIC (Barge) – The barge tankerman-PIC requires “60 days' service (shore- or vessel-based) on tank vessels certified to carry DL or LG as appropriate, or 180 days closely related service directly involved with tank barges.”
  • Tankerman-Assistant – This endorsement only requires a successfully completed a tankerman course, an exam and “90 days' deck service on tank ship or self-propelled tank vessel certified to carry DL or LG.”
  • Tankerman-Engineer – To become a tankerman-engineer, you must have “90 days' service as an engineering officer in the engine department on tank ship or self-propelled tank vessel certified to carry DL or LG as appropriate, or 90 days' rating or cadet service in the engine department on TANK SHIP or self-propelled tank vessel certified to carry DL or LG as appropriate,” or a combination of these services.

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